Chapter 28: - Page 4 of 7


(English version of “El Filibusterismo”)

In Manila, [1] in a confectionery near the University much frequented by the students, the arrests were thus commented upon.

And have they arrested Tadeo? [2] asked the proprietess.

Abá! answered a student who lived in Parian, he’s already shot!

Shot! Nakú! He hasn’t paid what he owes me.

Ay, don’t mention that or you’ll be taken for an accomplice.  I’ve already burnt the book [3] you lent me. There might be a search and it would be found. Be careful!

Did you say that Isagani is a prisoner?

Crazy fool, too, that Isagani, replied the indignant student.  They didn’t try to catch him, but he went and surrendered.  Let him bust himself—he’ll surely be shot.

The señora shrugged her shoulders.  He doesn’t owe me anything.  And what about Paulita?

She won’t lack a husband.  Sure, she’ll cry a little, and then marry a Spaniard.

The night was one of the gloomiest. In the houses the rosary was recited and pious women dedicated paternosters and requiems to each of the souls of their relatives and friends.  By eight o’clock hardly a pedestrian could be seen—only from time to time was heard the galloping of a horse against whose sides a saber clanked noisily, then the whistles of the watchmen, and carriages that whirled along at full speed, as though pursued by mobs of filibusters.

Yet terror did not reign everywhere. In the house of the silversmith, where Placido Penitente boarded, the events were commented upon and discussed with some freedom.

I don’t believe in the pasquinades, declared a workman, lank and withered from operating the blowpipe.  To me it looks like Padre Salvi’s doings.

[1] The Walled City, the original Manila, is still known to the Spaniards and older natives exclusively as such, the other districts being referred to by their distinctive names.—Tr.

[2] Nearly all the dialogue in this chapter is in the mongrel Spanish-Tagalog market language, which cannot be reproduced in English.—Tr.

[3] Doubtless a reference to the author’s first work, Noli Me Tangere, which was tabooed by the authorities.—Tr.

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