Chapter 54: - Page 7 of 7


(English version of “Noli Me Tangere”)

Was your family acquainted with Don Pedro Eibarramendia?

I should say so! answered Ibarra, as he opened a chest and took out a bundle of papers.  He was my great-grandfather.

Your great-grandfather Don Pedro Eibarramendia? again asked Elias with changed and livid features.

Yes, replied Ibarra absently, we shortened the surname; it was too long.

Was he a Basque? demanded Elias, approaching him.

Yes, a Basque—but what’s the matter? asked Ibarra in surprise.

Clenching his fists and pressing them to his forehead, Elias glared at Crisostomo, who recoiled when he saw the expression on the other’s face.  Do you know who Don Pedro Eibarramendia was? he asked between his teeth.  Don Pedro Eibarramendia was the villain who falsely accused my grandfather and caused all our misfortunes.  I have sought for that name and God has revealed it to me! Render me now an accounting for our misfortunes!

Elias caught and shook the arm of Crisostomo, who gazed at him in terror.  In a voice that was bitter and trembling with hate, he said, Look at me well, look at one who has suffered and you live, you live, you have wealth, a home, reputation—you live, you live!

Beside himself, he ran to a small collection of arms and snatched up a dagger.  But scarcely had he done so when he let it fall again and stared like a madman at the motionless Ibarra.

What was I about to do? he muttered, fleeing from the house.

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