Chapter 7: - Page 6 of 6

An Idyl on an Azotea

(English version of “Noli Me Tangere”)

What’s the matter? What is troubling you? she asked him.

You have almost made me forget that I have my duties, that I must leave at once for the town.  Tomorrow is the day for commemorating the dead.

Maria Clara silently fixed her large dreamy eyes upon him for a few moments and then, picking some flowers, she said with emotion, Go, I won’t detain you longer! In a few days we shall see each other again.  Lay these flowers on the tomb of your parents.

A few moments later the youth descended the stairway accompanied by Capitan Tiago and Aunt Isabel, while Maria Clara shut herself up in the oratory.

Please tell Andeng to get the house ready, as Maria and Isabel are coming.  A pleasant journey! said Capitan Tiago as Ibarra stepped into the carriage, which at once started in the direction of the plaza of San Gabriel.

Afterwards, by way of consolation, her father said to Maria Clara, who was weeping beside an image of the Virgin, Come, light two candles worth two reals each, one to St. Roch,[2] and one to St. Raphael, the protector of travelers.  Light the lamp of Our Lady of Peace and Prosperous Voyages, since there are so many tulisanes.  It’s better to spend four reals for wax and six cuartos for oil now than to pay a big ransom later.

[2] The patron saint of Tondo, Manila’s Saint-Antoine.  He is invoked for aid in driving away plagues,—TR.

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